The Ultimate Phrasal Verb Book
By:Carl W. Hart
Published on 2017-03-08 by Simon and Schuster
Updated to reflect questions found on the most recent ESL tests, this book presents 400 common phrasal verbs as they are used in everyday English. Phrasal verbs are verbs combined with prepositions or adverbs. Familiarity with phrasal verbs and understanding their use as nouns (breakup, showoff, etc.) or adjectives (spaced-out, broken-down, stressed-out, and many others) is essential to ESL students. Updated information includes: the most commonly used phrasal verbs; activities and examples that reflect our current technology and the world around us; an expanded introduction for the teacher with a thorough breakdown and explanation of phrasal verbs; and, a discussion of separable and inseparable phrasal verbs in Unit I, and more. This book’s hundreds of examples in context and hundreds of exercises will be extremely useful to ESL students who are preparing for TOEFL or who simply wish to improve their English.
This Book was ranked at 6 by Google Books for keyword collins cobuild dictionary of idioms 3000 idioms elt.
Book ID of The Ultimate Phrasal Verb Book's Books is QO5wDwAAQBAJ, Book which was written byCarl W. Harthave ETAG "Joe2jck5IR4"
Book which was published by Simon and Schuster since 2017-03-08 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781438068794 and ISBN 10 Code is 1438068794
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is false
Book which have "432 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryForeign Language Study
This Book was rated by 2 Raters and have average rate at "5.0"
This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is true
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