Spoken Language Processing
By:Xuedong Huang,Alex Acero,Alejandro Acero,Hsiao-Wuen Hon
Published on 2001 by Prentice Hall
New advances in spoken language processing: theory and practice In-depth coverage of speech processing, speech recognition, speech synthesis, spoken language understanding, and speech interface design Many case studies from state-of-the-art systems, including examples from Microsoft's advanced research labs Spoken Language Processing draws on the latest advances and techniques from multiple fields: computer science, electrical engineering, acoustics, linguistics, mathematics, psychology, and beyond. Starting with the fundamentals, it presents all this and more: Essential background on speech production and perception, probability and information theory, and pattern recognition Extracting information from the speech signal: useful representations and practical compression solutions Modern speech recognition techniques: hidden Markov models, acoustic and language modeling, improving resistance to environmental noises, search algorithms, and large vocabulary speech recognition Text-to-speech: analyzing documents, pitch and duration controls; trainable synthesis, and more Spoken language understanding: dialog management, spoken language applications, and multimodal interfaces To illustrate the book's methods, the authors present detailed case studies based on state-of-the-art systems, including Microsoft's Whisper speech recognizer, Whistler text-to-speech system, Dr. Who dialog system, and the MiPad handheld device. Whether you're planning, designing, building, or purchasing spoken language technology, this is the state of the art--from algorithms through business productivity.
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Book ID of Spoken Language Processing's Books is reZQAAAAMAAJ, Book which was written byXuedong Huang,Alex Acero,Alejandro Acero,Hsiao-Wuen Honhave ETAG "vofyoz50MEo"
Book which was published by Prentice Hall since 2001 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is and ISBN 10 Code is
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Book which have "980 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryComputers
This Book was rated by 1 Raters and have average rate at "5.0"
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