Perspectives on Translation
By:Anna Bączkowska
Published on 2016-05-11 by Cambridge Scholars Publishing
This volume offers a selection of issues currently encountered by scholars working within the broadly understood discipline of Translation Studies. The contributions here discuss topical and recurrent issues, which have long been at the forefront of this discipline, such as phraseology, corpora, quality of interpreting, translator training, censorship, style, proper names, and receptor-oriented translation. In addition, they also deal with relatively recent developments, such as humour and multimodality in audiovisual translation, and those problems rarely conclusively addressed in the context of translation, namely impoliteness and paratexts. Bringing together authors from eight countries, namely the UK, Spain, Germany, Austria, Poland, Italy, the USA and New Zealand, the volume offers research into translation from a variety of methodological solutions and conducted across eight languages (English, Spanish, Catalan, Polish, German, Italian, Chinese and Greek). Despite the diversity of themes presented, the main research areas emerging from all the contributions fall into four thematic groups: (1) lexicological issues and corpora in translation studies; (2) quality and translator training; (3) audiovisual translation; and (4) literary translation.
This Book was ranked at 23 by Google Books for keyword collins cobuild dictionary of idioms.
Book ID of Perspectives on Translation's Books is 3tL6DAAAQBAJ, Book which was written byAnna Bączkowskahave ETAG "0c8FUJ0xZFA"
Book which was published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing since 2016-05-11 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781443894029 and ISBN 10 Code is 1443894028
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